Data Category em_map_resolution


Category name
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Used in current PDB entries

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Category Description

    Data items in the EM_MAP_RESOLUTION category record details
    about the Fourier Shell Correlation 
  The most popular method at the moment for resolution assessment is the
  Fourier Shell Correlation, although there is no standard way to define
  the cutoff value. It assumes a uniform distribution of the resolution
  along the three-dimensions (so there is a single value of resolution).
  The Fourier Shell Correlation curve is defined as a list of value pairs 
  (x, y) where x is the spatial frequency (or inverse resolution in 1/A) 
  and y is the correlation coefficient (a value between 0 and 1).

Category Example

      _em_map_resolution.entry_id EM9999
      _em_map_resolution.title       "ACh receptor FSC Plot"
      _em_map_resolution.x_axis      "Resolution (A-1)" 
      _em_map_resolution.y_axis      "Correlation Coefficient"